Rathmichael School

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mrs. Senior's diary 14th October 2009

The Voices of Life Choir came to our school on Wednesday 7th October. This choir is made up of teenagers who attended school with our African correspondents Sandra and Yunusu. The Choir is from Uganda. They came dressed in their bright orange uniforms. It was a superb morning and a great opportunity for our school. They sang and danced to three songs. Eight of our own children then joined them to dance and sing. As it happens we were collecting our 50c for Yunusu and Sandra that day so it was all very relevant and brought alive into our school.
Fire Safety Week
Last week was Fire Safety Week in the country. As such we had our termly fire drill. This all went along very smoothly. Some of the pupils in the school got involved in a competition run by Dublin Fire Brigade. They had to draw pictures depicting Fire Safety on A3 size paper. The winners drawings will appear in the 2010 Dublin Fire Brigade Calendar. We have been lucky to have had winners appear in this before. Let's hope we have a budding artist here somewhere amongst us!


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