Rathmichael School

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mrs. Senior's diary 23rd September 2009

This week most of the whole class meetings will take place. The teachers will get the opportunity to speak with the parents and inform them of their expectations for the class. There will be an opportunity for you to ask questions. These meetings are generally very informative. I suggest that these meetings are important and would reccommend that all attend.

Last Thursday, 17th Sept we received a certificate for joint third place in the Schools Tidy Towns Awards.We were delighted to have been placed once again and hope to continue this practice as best we can. There are certainly areas we can improve upon and will as ever strive to do our best in this endeavour.

Our annual visit from the photographer happened on 22nd Sept. The children arrived all spruced up and presentable, combs and brushes in their pockets. It's quite amazing how they change from year to year. Certainly to compare the photographs taken in Junior Infants to the ones captured in Sixth
Class is a wonder in itself. The faces might change but the personalities don't.
Teachers also got ready for their photo. Not met with such eagar enthusiasm I might add. It is interesting for many to see the changes in staff over the years.


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