Rathmichael School

Monday, March 11, 2013


JUNIOR INFANT TEACHER - Katie Fox - Rathmichael School
Aistear Programme (A Journey)

In October the Junior and Senior Infants learned all about farming in their Aistear lessons. They learned about the jobs a farmer does, how all of our food comes from the farm, what produce we get from farm animals, harvest time and farm machinery. We talked about safety on the farm. The children constructed tractors, they made scarecrows and pumpkins. They learned about the story of bread and acted out 'The Little Red Hen' and 'The Enormous Turnip'. They ran a farm shop, a vet’s surgery and played in a farmyard. They built a supermarket and sheds and homes for 'The Three Little Pigs'.
For Halloween both Infant classes dressed up in their Halloween costumes put on a Halloween concert for each other. Lambert Puppet Theatre put on a puppet show in the hall called 'The Witch in the Woods' for Infants to Second Class.
This month, the children are learning about 'habitats' in Aistear. They are printing with Autumn leaves, planting bulbs, learning about caring for the environment and where different plants and animals live. The Aistear programme continues to be a huge success.


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