Rathmichael School

Friday, December 2, 2011

St Vincent de Paul

St Vincent de Paul

We like to include charity work as part of our year's work. The children collect 50c towards Yunuso and Sandra our African correspondents every month. This money goes towards their education. As part of this we had a Dress Up day where funds collected (€2 per child) were given towards Yunuso's Education.

This year the staff thought about which charity we should support and it was generally felt that our own country had plenty of people who needed help. As such we have decided to support St. Vincent de Paul, following on from the efforts made last year when we collected hampers.

St Vincent de Paul help those in need, those suffering from loneliness, poverty and sickness. Each child brought in a present up to a value of €10 which were then delivered to the charity. They were extremely grateful and the children enjoyed the exercise. Over 160 presents were collected. Many thanks to all who contributed.

Caroline Senior

2nd Dec 2011


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