Rathmichael School

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Food Dudes

Food Dudes

The school has started a new programme run by Bord Bia called Food Dudes. The children are encouraged to try fruit and vegetables every day for a sixteen day period. At the end of this time it is hoped that the children will bring in their own fruit and vegetables. We are trying to encourage the children to eat healthily. The children are rewarded for trying with rewards of pencil cases, sharpeners, rubbers, etc. This programme is very exciting and it is hoped that the children will develop a taste for different fruit and vegetables.

Caroline Senior



As referred to before the Infant classes are involved in the Aistear programme. This month's theme has been on Travel. As such David Bryce was invited in to speak to the Infant Classes about his job as a pilot. He provided a super powerpoint display and arrived in his full uniform which impressed us all. This is a brilliant way to learn and I must commend both Mrs. Crammond and Ms. Fox on all their efforts.

Caroline Senior


Rugby Morning

Rugby Morning

On Saturday 17th September we decided to try something a little different and held a Rugby breakfast for both the parishioners of Rathmichael and the School. Ireland were playing Australia. There was a great atmosphere and it was enjoyed by all. Great thanks to the PTA and the Vestry for helping to prepare breakfast. Thanks also to Andrew Ellis who supplied a rugby shirt belonging to David Wallace for our raffle. Unfortunately the times of these matches prevent us from showing more.

Caroline Senior
