Rathmichael School

Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Vegetables

School Garden

This summer we produced peas, turnips, courgettes, rhubarb, leeks, strawberries and various herbs. We were delighted for our first attempt. Now we are set to clear and weed our patches and hopefully will have cabbages growing shortly. These fed the starving birds during the snow last year but hopefully we will have more success this year.

Caroline Senior

Cycle Training

Cycle Training

I have always been very keen to have cycle training in the school. As a pilot programme we have started up cycle safety and skills with 'Safety First' on Monday during the school day.

The classes teach children safe cycling techniques and also open them to an invaluable and inexpensive form of exercise at a time when lack of exercise is a cause for concern.

The training covers the following:

  • Bicycle maintenance

  • Starting position and safe stopping

  • Left turn/right turn, major to minor road

  • Left turn/right turn, minor to major road

  • Shoulder checking and signalling

  • Correct positioning on the road.

  • Overtaking parked cars

    Caroline Senior

Play in the Infant Classes

Play in the Infant Classes

An exciting new programme

Junior and Senior Infants are partaking in Aistear (the Irish word for journey) now, a play programme designed to provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences for them in order for them to grow and develop as competent and confident learners.

The children are provided with active, hands-on and play experiences to explore the social, physical and imaginary worlds. These experiences help them to manage their feelings, develop as thinkers and language users, develop socially, be creative and imaginative.

The children will be provided with time and space, toys and equipment to play. They will play with their classmates and teachers.

The play will be structured around a theme prepared by the teacher, and the theme may last up to 4 or 6 weeks. There will be 5 different play corners, through which the 5 groups of children will rotate, visiting each corner once a week. The subjects SESE (History, Geography, Science), SPHE, visual arts, drama will be taught through play.

More about Aistear is available on the NCCA website.

Caroline Senior