Rathmichael School

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Easter Cake and Bread Sale

Hi all,
On Tuesday 16th March the children will be given their cake boxes to bring home and decorate, in what ever style they so choose!!. Please can the decorated boxes be returned on Wednesday 24th March, no sooner! Each class will be judged and the best boy and girl box per class will get a prize.
Could you "fill" the boxes with biscuits, cakes, muffins, buns or breads which we will then sell at our Easter Cake and Bread Sale, starting at 1.15pm School hall on the 24th. Please, where possible, could you home cook the contents... do not forget to use our great Rathmichael Cookbook for fresh ideas.
Attached to the letter will also be 3 Raffle tickets. During the year we received a very kind donation for 1 night dinner, bed and breakfast for two guests sharing at Rathsallagh House Golf and Country Club (www.Rathsallagh.com). We intend to raffle this lone item at the end of our Cake and Bread Sale. Raffle tickets are 1 for €4 or 3 for €10. Please return the stubs with your name on them, along with the money, to your class teacher. If you require more raffle tickets please contact Nicola Ralph 086 6086334 or leave your name with Trish in the office. Imagine for €4 you and a loved one could escape from all the stresses of our busy daily lives.. bliss!!

Thank you for all your support,
Rathmichael School PTA.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Dia dhaoibh. Hello there everyone. This week was an Irish week in all schools. We did our best and encouraged the children to speak Irish. Our Assembly today was through Irish. The story, prayers and song were in Irish. After this we had a display of Irish Dancing on the stage from children throughout the school. It was really lovely to see the children in their uniforms performing so well. I never realised there was such talent in the school. Well done to all who participated. A great credit must go to their dancing instructors.
Caroline Senior

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hello from Mrs. Senior.

We now have new Interactive Whiteboards throughout the school. This includes our Learning Support/ Resource Teaching department. They have created an air of excitement throughout the school. The technical advances we have made are truly amazing. So many resources are now at the touch of our fingertips. We all are forced to move with the times. We continue to fundraise in order to cover our costs.
Our building work has been completed, much to all our delight. We now work in peaceful conditions. Ms. Dowd had particularly noisy days and is relieved to be able to carry out her work without distraction. We are all thrilled with our new facilities and the resource team are delighted with their new rooms.
4th March 2010