Rathmichael School

Saturday, January 30, 2010

PTA dates for your diary

Hi all,
Just to keep you all up to date on future events,
  • Friday 26th Feb, our annual Table quiz at the Kingston Hotel from 7.30 to 10.00. This is open to our senior classes ie 3rd class upwards. There are 5 people per team max of 2 adults per team, children 16yrs and over count as an adult, and 3 children. Tickets will be sold through the school at the cost of €20 per team. This is always a very popular event so be sure to get your table organised soon. Our wonderful quiz master, Keith, has set up a twitter page for all you twitter fans it is https://twitter.com/RathmichaelQuiz. ... hope I got that right!!
  • Wednesday 24th March, will be our Easter box competition and cake sale.
  • Friday 23rd April, we are having a joint 60's night with the parish. This is going to be a great night out for all you disco divas. More information to follow.
  • Friday 30th April, our annual school disco is to be held. This event is only for 4th class and above.

Take care, regards Nicola

Friday, January 22, 2010



Thank goodness for Trish, the Table Quiz will start at 7.30pm and not 7pm as I previously wrote!!

Regards, Nicola

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Hi all,

We are down to the last 20 copies of our cookbook ... first come basis!! Will be on sale before school and at 12md tomorrow, Wed 20th January. Each book is €10.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A date for your diary from the PTA,

Our annual table quiz will be held on Friday 26th February in the Kingston hotel, Dun Laoghaire form 7pm to 10pm. This event is for our senior classes only -3rd class and above. Further information to follow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

13th January 2010
We're in, we're out, we're in, we're out!!! A very unsettling way to get back to school. How and ever we're here and all is well. Well done to all of you who braved the elements and came to school last week. Great thanks must go to Peter Williams and Canon Fred Appelbe who helped me to get the school ready for the return. Several kilograms of salt and grit were put down once snow was removed. The paths in the school were in good condition for our first day.
Some may have been disappointed we opened but we felt it was the correct decision. Fifth Class built snowmen much to their delight, under the strand in the curriculum- Construction.
See photographs on our website of their fun in the snow.