Rathmichael School

Thursday, December 17, 2009

16th Dec 2009
Today we held our annual Carol Service at Rathmichael Church. 1st to 6th Class attended with their parents. We decided upon a more traditional service this year incorporating traditional carols which we felt the children were not so familiar with.
6th Class led the service and it ran very smoothly. This year there was an underlying story throughout. This involved both the story of the Nativity and the story of Scrooge. Caroline Dowd managed to juxtapose both stories together. Congratulations must go to sixth class for their efforts.
The choir sang beautifully under the guidance of our choir master, Valerie Lewis.
Caroline Senior

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

PTA update December 2009

We hope that you all had a great night at the Art and Wine Evening last Wednesday... I know that we, the PTA committee really enjoyed it (even though we were slightly foot sore by the end of the night!) We have really appreciated the positive feedback we have received about the new location! Why the change from the main school hall? Simple, we wanted to show off our wonderful new noticeboards, use our screen and yes, hands up, we did want to protect our newly painted school hall.
Our job is always made easy at this event as the children are the main decorators! true to form, the pupils and all the teachers produced the most amazing originals ever. Each year we think they cannot do better but they do. WELL DONE to all the artists, each of you were fantastic.
It was touch and go as to whether our Rathmichael School Cookbook would appear for it's launch but due to our guardian angel, in the form of Grant, just like magic it appeared and promptly sold out! Thank you to all the parents who supported the cookbook on the evening. To those that did not make it, never fear, we are currently on a re-print and order forms have been sent home which we will fill once stock is back in (this will be before the end of term). As soon as figures are totalled, I will let you know how we did.
Finally, thank you to all the parents who supported the evening. We hope that you enjoyed the art, atmosphere, nibbles and, of course, the wine!
On behalf of the PTA, we wish you all a very safe and happy Christmas and New Year.
See you in 2010, Nicola.

Mrs Senior's diary 15th December 2009

On Monday 14th December the school decided to do something for the community. We invited the people who attend the Day Centre in Shankill, the Thursday group from Rathmichael Church , various parishioners and Minister Mary Hanafin to our Infant Play. There was great excitement. The children dressed up with the help of sixth class and performed. The show opened with a community prayer read by Ruth Parker in Sixth Class.This show was superb. Much credit must go to our very talented Infant teachers who put in such time and effort. It always amazes me what can be achieved ina short space of time. The audience loved seeing the children and enjoyed every minute.
After the show tea was served to all who attended. Nicola Ralph, Chairperson of the PTA, helped with this. There was a lovely community spirit. Being part of the community is very important to Rathmichael School.
Caroline Senior

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mrs Senior's diary 10th December 2009

Last night we held our annual art and wine evening. This year we decided to use the concourse and stage area. This proved to be a very cosy venue, one to be used again. The atmosphere was terrific. The theme this year was that of Fabric and Fibre. This is a strand from the curriculum. Each class produced some work of art from this strand. There was an excellent display . Photographs were taken and these are available under each class on the website. It isamazing what can be produced but an awful lot of time and effort is required. Geat thanks must go to the teachers and Special Needs Assistants who had a huge input into each item and the displays provided.Another great success!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2nd December 2009

Dublin Fire Brigade visited our school this week. They focused on our 3rd Class. It is hoped that this will continue and become an annual event. A Fire Engine was driven onto our top playground. The children gathered around as they were shown just how everything was stored and worked. It was made even more facinating because each tool was taken out and shown to the children.
After the children had been taken through the fire engine they returned to the Class where a very interesting talk was given to them. Each child will be getting a pack to take home.
We can learn about these things through books but this is never as valuable as hands on experience. A session we will look forward to from year to year

At assembly this week we were very lucky to have three much lauded Rugby trophys amongst us – The Triple Crown Plate, The Heineken Cup and the Six Nations Cup.
Great excitement prevailed. Something the children would not get to see very often. Many photographs were taken.

European Food Day
Sixth Class are doing projects on European countries. Each child had to produce a dish from their chosen country. Canon Appelbe and myself were invited to partake in the feast. It was excellent and enjoyed by the whole class. Well done to Ms. Dowd for organising this. Keep your eyes open for a display in the future.